Key Features
- Heavy-duty door sweep seals gaps up to 3/4 in H
- Slotted holes for easy adjustment
Door bottom sweeps aluminum and vinyl heavy-duty. 2 inches high x 48 inches long. Finish=aluminum Vinyl with heavy aluminum construction to create a high quality, long lasting door sweep. Provides a tight long lasting door seal. Seals gaps up to 3/4 inches high. Slotted holes for easy adjustment. 2 inches high.
Vinyl with heavy aluminum construction to create a high-quality, long-lasting door sweep. Provides a tight long-lasting door seal. Seals gaps up to 3/4 in high. Slotted holes for easy adjustment. 2 in H. Vinyl with heavy aluminum construction to create a high quality, long lasting door sweep. Provides a tight long lasting door seal. Seals gaps up to 3/4″ high. Slotted holes for easy adjustment. 2 inches H.
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